____________________________________________This Page Last Updated on October 10, 2007________________________________________
- Neo Geo Cd Rom Set Archive
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- Neo Geo Cd Full Rom Sets
In 1995, SNK attempted to increase its' home video game market share bylaunching a newly designed and less expensive CD based NEOGEO game system. Thehome video game industry had evolved and the compact disc had become the formatof choice for consoles. In an effort to promote and increase interest in the newsystem, SNK decided to give it exclusive games. There were a total of 8 games thatSNK released and made available for the NEO-GEO CD home game system that were NOTreleased for the NEO-GEO cartridge system. However, some of them were actually NOToriginally intended to be exclusive to the CD system, rather they just ended upthat way. Read on to discover why only 4 of the 8 CD exclusives were truly developedfor the CD system, while the other 4 just ended up that way by chance.
You will need BIOS for NEO-GEO CD, which are covered in the Xtras/BIOS/Folder! NEO-GEO CD Demonstration in Videos below! Note: Some Cores like FBA 2018 and NEO-GEO CD 2018 sometimes need to be run in a special way, to avoid tripping the limiter, without a peripheral USB-HUB or such being utilized. I play Neo Geo ROMs for a long time some of my played games are: Samurai Shodown IV, The King of Fighters 2002, Metal Slug 4 Plus and many more, but I don't collect them on my PC because I don't have the memory to do it so I just download them from this website and for now, I'm very satisfied.
Neo Geo CD Roms To play Neo Geo CD roms, an emulator is required. Popular Neo Geo CD emulators include Neo-RAGEx v0.2d for DOS, Neo-RAGEx Windows 9x Upgrade, Neo-RAGEx Windows XP Upgrade. View all Neo Geo emulators.
Here in this section, we will discuss and analyze the 8 NEOGEO CD 'exclusive' games.We have confirmed that 4 of these 8 games were developed and assembled onto prototypegame cartridges as they were also intended to be released to the MVS market as well.The other 4 games were clearly put together strictly for use on the CD system, andassembling them onto the cartridge format although possible, would be quite tedious,and would really serve no purpose anyhow.
_____________________THE 4 SPECIFICALLY INTENDED CD EXCLUSIVE GAMES_____________________
1)The King of Fighters '96 Collection is merely an enhanced collectors edition CD thatcovers the KOF96 game in great detail. It contains some extra bonuses and special featuresthat are aimed soley at the home gamer.
2) ADK World was a promotional sampler CD that contained information, previews, and demosof upcoming ADK games. It was an advertising tool. It was not a normal fully functional gameand thus was of no interest or use to a home cartridge console owner, much less an arcadeoperator with a coin operated MVS machine.
3) NEO GEO CD Special was a promotional sampler CD that contained information, previews,and demos of upcoming SNK games. It was an advertizing tool. I was not a normal fullyfunctional game and thus was of no interest or use to a home cartridge console owner, muchless an arcade operator with a coin operatd MVS machine.
4)Samurai Shodown RPG was made specifically to tantalize those considering the purchaseof the CD unit. Arcades are not an RPG environment. Quick play is the way. Granted, exceptionslike Capcom's Dungeons and Dragons and Atari's Gauntlet Legends exist, but they are few and farbetween, and not quite as intricate and involved as a full fledged home RPG game)
__________________________THE 4 ACCIDENTAL CD EXCLUSIVES_____________________________
These 4 games were originally designed and developed for the regular NEO-GEO cartridgebased system. However, they were ultimately delayed, or indefinitely postponed for variousreasons and therefore ended up becoming exclusive to the CD format by mere chance. Some ofthem might have remained as 'unreleased' NEOGEO protos, were it not for the fact that theywere released for the CD system.
ADK's Crossed Swords 2 was a 78 meg swords and magic action game. Its older 1992 era NGMsoftware product number predates the 1995 CD system by 3 years. Originally intended to bereleased in 1992, CS2 was shelved and abandoned due to marketing trends which showed it wasno longer desirable or economically viable in the arcades. Although obsolete and indefinitelypostponed, CS2 was 'unearthed' merely to assist with the CD system's promotional program.Otherwise, it would probably still be lost today.
Idol Final Romance 2 was an 86 meg Mahjong game. The NEO-GEO already had 4 other mahjonggames, so perhaps it seemed unneccessary to release a 5th Mahjong game on the cartridge format.In addition, FR2's theme was intense as it contained a large amount of adult content. Eitherof these reasons may have been the cause for it's cancellation on the cartridge format.
ADK's Zintrick was a 74 meg puzzle game. It is also known as Okidashi Zintrick, Droppers,and Joint Link. Originally scheduled to be released as a cart in 1996 and advertized as such,but for whatever reason, perhaps the clutter of puzzle games that were also being released atthat time, it was abandoned.
Ironclad by Saurus was a 178 meg shooter. It was also known as Chosetsu Brikinger.Advertisements for its release were abundant and well documented. I actually played the gameon cart in an MVS cabinet at the 1996 ACME trade show. So this one was indeed 100% real andready for the MVS cartridge market, but was ultimately canceled and thus ended up a CDexclusive as a result of that
One further point to make is that of the 8 CD games, these 4 were the only releaseswhose meg counts were provided by SNK and stated in magazines of the time. Something thatis usually reserved for programs stored on ROM media and hardly ever for programs stored onCD media. But regardless of which CD exclusives did or did not exist in cart format, all 8of the games were actually assigned sequential software product code numbers, so the NGMnumbers had already been found. Finding these games in cart format was nice, but it did nothelp complete the NGM puzzle.
______________________________SCREENSHOTS OF THE CD EXCLUSIVE GAMES______________________________
Samurai Showdown RPG & KOF 96 Collection
Samurai Shodown RPG was completely in Japanese and would require translationif it were to be of interest to most players outside Japan. This title was probablyintended to be the biggest 'draw' to the cartridge system owners and used as a lureto draw the players attention to the defunct CD console. It was simply not enough.Rumors have surfaced in the past that work was being done on translating and convertingthe game from the CD format to the cartridge format. However as of this writing,there is still no solid proof or real evidence to report.
King of Fighter's 1996 Collection was merely a 'Special Edition' disc meant to accompanythe King of Fighter's 1996 game. It contains all kinds of 'FAQ' style information on thecharacters in the game as well as other interesting facts and figures. Since KOF96C is notreally a 'game', it is highly unlikely that it was ever intended to be manufactured as anunplayable expensive cartridge rom title. However, for whatever reason, it was assigned its'own unique software product code number (229), and as such is an official part of the NGM list.What makes no sense is that KOF96C was not the only 'special edition' CD release. KOF '95,KOF '98, and Art of Fighting 3 also had special edition releases, yet they were NOT assignedsoftware product code numbers.
Neo Geo Special & ADK World
These two CD's are just about the most 'useless' of all four.They are not really 'games' per say, but rather 'advertisements' and'previews' for other games on the Neo-Geo made by their respectivecompanies (SNK & ADK). They do contain a few 'Easter Eggs' such assome silly 'mini-games', but for the most part they are merely demoand promo discs. It would be very doubtfull that these would have evereven been considered for cartridge format release as sales of such anitem would be virtually non-existant! The importance of the 2 CD's ishowever in that they WERE INDEED assigned OFFICIAL neogeo game codenumbers and as such are official parts of the NEO-GEO game code list.
The Mini Cake
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*** Ce site et son serveur n'herbergent aucun jeu, rom ou bios ***
NEW UPDATE BIOS BATOCERA 2021 (PS3, PS2, WiiU, Wii, NEOGEO CD, GameCube, NAOMI, Nintendo DS, PSX...)
Mise à jour de janvier 2021 pour les nouveaux systèmes Batocera. Décompresser et placer le contenu du dossier BIOS dans BATOCERAsharebios et le contenu du dossier ROMS BATOCERAshareroms dans depuis votre réseau.
Update of january 2021 for the new Batocera systems. Unzip and put the contents of the BIOS folder in BATOCERA share bios and the contents of the ROMS BATOCERA share roms folder into your network.
New :
PS3 : PS3UPDAT.PUP Md5 03373a581934f0d2b796156d2fb28b39
Channel-F : sl31253, sl31254, sl90025
Satellaview : BS-X.bin
Sharp X1 :
New : PS3UPDAT.PUP Md5 cf9cb4ba53a83ad557501417837c8de9
New : BS-X Md5 96cf17bf589fcbfa6f8de2dc84f19fa2
V5.27 & V5.27.2
# ---------- Atari ---------- #
Atari 5200 / Atari 800 'biosFiles':
md5 : 281f20ea4320404ec820fb7ec0693b38 : bios/5200.rom
md5 : 06daac977823773a3eea3422fd26a703 : bios/ATARIXL.ROM
md5 : 0bac0c6a50104045d902df4503a4c30b : bios/ATARIBAS.ROM
md5 : eb1f32f5d9f382db1bbfb8d7f9cb343a : bios/ATARIOSA.ROM
md5 : a3e8d617c95d08031fe1b20d541434b2 : bios/ATARIOSB.ROM
Atari ST 'biosFiles':
md5 : c1c57ce48e8ee4135885cee9e63a68a2 : bios/tos.img
Lynx 'biosFiles':
md5 : fcd403db69f54290b51035d82f835e7b : bios/lynxboot.img
# ---------- Magnavox and Philips ---------- #
Odyssey 2 'biosFiles':
md5 : 562d5ebf9e030a40d6fabfc2f33139fd : bios/o2rom.bin
md5 : f1071cdb0b6b10dde94d3bc8a6146387 : bios/c52.bin
md5 : c500ff71236068e0dc0d0603d265ae76 : bios/g7400.bin
md5 : 279008e4a0db2dc5f1c048853b033828 : bios/jopac.bin
# ---------- Mattel ---------- #
Mattel Intellivision 'biosFiles':
md5 : 62e761035cb657903761800f4437b8af : bios/exec.bin
md5 : 0cd5946c6473e42e8e4c2137785e427f : bios/grom.bin
# ---------- NEC ---------- #
PC Engine 'biosFiles':
md5 : 38179df8f4ac870017db21ebcbf53114 : bios/syscard3.pce
PC-FX 'biosFiles':
md5 : 08e36edbea28a017f79f8d4f7ff9b6d7 : bios/pcfx.rom
Supergrafx 'biosFiles':
md5 : 38179df8f4ac870017db21ebcbf53114 : bios/syscard3.pce
# ---------- SNK ----------#
NeoGeo 'biosFiles':
md5 : 77c72e3ae084a66476344cedc154d73a : bios/neogeo.zip
NeoGeo CD 'biosFiles' :
md5 : a7cca75f3d5af6acc85efcce589ab04f : bios/neocdz.zip
# ---------- Sharp ---------- #
Sharp x68000 'biosFiles':
md5 : 7fd4caabac1d9169e289f0f7bbf71d8e : bios/keropi/iplrom.dat
md5 : cb0a5cfcf7247a7eab74bb2716260269 : bios/keropi/cgrom.dat
# ---------- Panasonic, Sanyo and Goldstar ---------- #
3DO 'biosFiles':
md5 : f47264dd47fe30f73ab3c010015c155b : bios/panafz1.bin
md5 : 51f2f43ae2f3508a14d9f56597e2d3ce : bios/panafz10.bin
md5 : 8639fd5e549bd6238cfee79e3e749114 : bios/goldstar.bin
# ---------- Sega ---------- #
Dreamcast 'biosFiles':
md5 : e10c53c2f8b90bab96ead2d368858623 : bios/dc_boot.bin
md5 : 0a93f7940c455905bea6e392dfde92a4 : bios/dc_flash.bin
Naomi 'biosFiles':
md5 : eb4099aeb42ef089cfe94f8fe95e51f6 : bios/naomi.zip
Atomiswave 'biosFiles':
md5 : 0ec5ae5b5a5c4959fa8b43fcf8687f7c : bios/awbios.zip
Sega CD 'biosFiles':
md5 : e66fa1dc5820d254611fdcdba0662372 : bios/bios_CD_E.bin
md5 : 854b9150240a198070150e4566ae1290 : bios/bios_CD_U.bin
md5 : 278a9397d192149e84e820ac621a8edd : bios/bios_CD_J.bin
Sega Saturn 'biosFiles':
md5 : 85ec9ca47d8f6807718151cbcca8b964 : bios/sega_101.bin
md5 : 3240872c70984b6cbfda1586cab68dbe : bios/mpr-17933.bin
md5 : 255113ba943c92a54facd25a10fd780c : bios/mpr-18811-mx.ic1
md5 : 1cd19988d1d72a3e7caa0b73234c96b4 : bios/mpr-19367-mx.ic1
md5 : af5828fdff51384f99b3c4926be27762 : bios/saturn_bios.bin
# ---------- Sony Computer Entertainment ---------- #
PSX 'biosFiles':
md5 : 6e3735ff4c7dc899ee98981385f6f3d0 : bios/scph101.bin
md5 : dc2b9bf8da62ec93e868cfd29f0d067d : bios/scph1001.bin
md5 : 8dd7d5296a650fac7319bce665a6a53c : bios/scph5500.bin
md5 : 490f666e1afb15b7362b406ed1cea246 : bios/scph5501.bin
md5 : 32736f17079d0b2b7024407c39bd3050 : bios/scph5502.bin
md5 : 1e68c231d0896b7eadcad1d7d8e76129 : bios/scph7001.bin
PS2 'biosFiles':
md5 : 28922c703cc7d2cf856f177f2985b3a9 : bios/SCPH30004R.bin
md5 : 3faf7c064a4984f53e2ef5e80ed543bc : bios/SCPH30004R.MEC
md5 : d5ce2c7d119f563ce04bc04dbc3a323e : bios/scph39001.bin
md5 : 3faf7c064a4984f53e2ef5e80ed543bc : bios/scph39001.MEC
md5 : 9a9e8ed7668e6adfc8f7766c08ab9cd0 : bios/EROM.BIN
md5 : 44552702b05697a14ccbe2ca22ee7139 : bios/rom1.bin
md5 : b406d05922dac2eaf3c2e68157b1b468 : bios/ROM2.BIN
PS3 'biosFiles':
md5 : cf9cb4ba53a83ad557501417837c8de9 : bios/PS3UPDAT.PUP
# ---------- Nintendo ---------- #
Nintendo Family Computer Disk System 'biosFiles':
md5 : ca30b50f880eb660a320674ed365ef7a : bios/disksys.rom
Satellaview 'biosFiles':
md5 : 96cf17bf589fcbfa6f8de2dc84f19fa2 : 'bios/BS-X.bin'
Sufami 'biosFiles':
md5 : d3a44ba7d42a74d3ac58cb9c14c6a5ca : bios/STBIOS.bin
# ---------- Microsoft ---------- #
MSX 'biosFiles':
md5 : 364a1a579fe5cb8dba54519bcfcdac0d : bios/MSX.ROM
md5 : ec3a01c91f24fbddcbcab0ad301bc9ef : bios/MSX2.ROM
md5 : 2183c2aff17cf4297bdb496de78c2e8a : bios/MSX2EXT.ROM
md5 : 847cc025ffae665487940ff2639540e5 : bios/MSX2P.ROM
md5: 7c8243c71d8f143b2531f01afa6a05dc : bios/MSX2PEXT.ROM
# ---------- Commodore ---------- #
Amiga 'biosFiles':
md5 : 85ad74194e87c08904327de1a9443b7a : bios/kick33180.A500
md5 : 82a21c1890cae844b3df741f2762d48d : bios/kick34005.A500
md5 : dc10d7bdd1b6f450773dfb558477c230 : bios/kick37175.A500
md5 : e40a5dfb3d017ba8779faba30cbd1c8e : bios/kick40063.A600
md5 : b7cc148386aa631136f510cd29e42fc3 : bios/kick39106.A1200
md5 : 646773759326fbac3b2311fd8c8793ee : bios/kick40068.A1200
md5 : 9bdedde6a4f33555b4a270c8ca53297d : bios/kick40068.A4000
md5 : 5f8924d013dd57a89cf349f4cdedc6b1 : bios/kick40060.CD32
md5 : bb72565701b1b6faece07d68ea5da639 : bios/kick40060.CD32.ext
md5 : 82a21c1890cae844b3df741f2762d48d : bios/amiga-os-130.rom
md5 : 646773759326fbac3b2311fd8c8793ee : bios/amiga-os-310-a1200.rom
md5 : dc10d7bdd1b6f450773dfb558477c230 : bios/amiga-os-204.rom
md5 : 465646c9b6729f77eea5314d1f057951 : bios/amiga-os-205.rom
md5 : 413590e50098a056cfec418d3df0212d : bios/amiga-os-310-a3000.rom
md5 : 730888fb1bd9a3606d51f772ed136528 : bios/amiga-os-310.rom
md5 : 85ad74194e87c08904327de1a9443b7a : bios/amiga-os-120.rom
md5 : 5f8924d013dd57a89cf349f4cdedc6b1 : bios/amiga-os-310-cd32.rom
md5 : bb72565701b1b6faece07d68ea5da639 : bios/amiga-ext-310-cd32.rom
md5 : 89da1838a24460e4b93f4f0c5d92d48d : bios/amiga-ext-130-cdtv.rom
# ---------- NEC PC-8800 ---------- #
NEC PC-8800 'biosFiles':
md5 : 4f984e04a99d56c4cfe36115415d6eb8 : bios/quasi88/N88.ROM
md5 : 793f86784e5608352a5d7f03f03e0858 : bios/quasi88/N88SUB.ROM
md5 : 2ff07b8769367321128e03924af668a0 : bios/quasi88/N88N.ROM
md5 : d675a2ca186c6efcd6277b835de4c7e5 : bios/quasi88/N88EXT0.ROM
md5 : e844534dfe5744b381444dbe61ef1b66 : bios/quasi88/N88EXT1.ROM
md5 : 6548fa45061274dee1ea8ae1e9e93910 : bios/quasi88/N88EXT2.ROM
md5 : fc4b76a402ba501e6ba6de4b3e8b4273 : bios/quasi88/N88EXT3.ROM
# ---------- NEC PC-9800 ---------- #
NEC PC-9800 'biosFiles':
md5 : e246140dec5124c5e404869a84caefce : bios/np2kai/BIOS.ROM
md5 : 2af6179d7de4893ea0b705c00e9a98d6 : bios/np2kai/FONT.ROM
md5 : caf90f22197aed6f14c471c21e64658d : bios/np2kai/SOUND.ROM
md5 : e9fc3890963b12cf15d0a2eea5815b72 : bios/np2kai/ITF.ROM
md5 : 7da1e5b7c482d4108d22a5b09631d967 : bios/np2kai/font.bmp
f47264dd47fe30f73ab3c010015c155b bios/panafz1.bin
51f2f43ae2f3508a14d9f56597e2d3ce bios/panafz10.bin
8639fd5e549bd6238cfee79e3e749114 bios/goldstar.bin
35fa1a1ebaaeea286dc5cd15487c13ea bios/sanyotry.bin
8970fc987ab89a7f64da9f8a8c4333ff bios/3do_arcade_saot.bin
85ad74194e87c08904327de1a9443b7a bios/Kickstart v1.2 r33.180 (1986)(Commodore)(A500-A1000-A2000)[!].rom
646773759326fbac3b2311fd8c8793ee bios/kick40068.A1200
413590e50098a056cfec418d3df0212d bios/Kickstart v3.1 r40.68 (1993)(Commodore)(A3000).rom
9bdedde6a4f33555b4a270c8ca53297d bios/Kickstart v3.1 r40.68 (1993)(Commodore)(A4000).rom
82a21c1890cae844b3df741f2762d48d bios/kick34005.A500

dc10d7bdd1b6f450773dfb558477c230 bios/Kickstart v2.04 r37.175 (1991)(Commodore)(A500+)[!].rom
e40a5dfb3d017ba8779faba30cbd1c8e bios/kick40063.A600
Amiga CD32:
5f8924d013dd57a89cf349f4cdedc6b1 bios/Kickstart v3.1 r40.60 (1993)(Commodore)(CD32).rom
bb72565701b1b6faece07d68ea5da639 bios/CD32 Extended-ROM r40.60 (1993)(Commodore)(CD32).rom
Amiga CDTV:
82a21c1890cae844b3df741f2762d48d bios/Kickstart v1.3 r34.5 (1987)(Commodore)(A500-A1000-A2000-CDTV)[!].rom
89da1838a24460e4b93f4f0c5d92d48d bios/CDTV Extended-ROM v1.0 (1991)(Commodore)(CDTV)[!].rom
Atari 5200:
281f20ea4320404ec820fb7ec0693b38 bios/5200.rom
Neo Geo Cd Rom Set Archive
06daac977823773a3eea3422fd26a703 bios/ATARIXL.ROM
0bac0c6a50104045d902df4503a4c30b bios/ATARIBAS.ROM
eb1f32f5d9f382db1bbfb8d7f9cb343a bios/ATARIOSA.ROM
a3e8d617c95d08031fe1b20d541434b2 bios/ATARIOSB.ROM
Atari 7800:
397bb566584be7b9764e7a68974c4263 bios/7800 BIOS (E).rom
0763f1ffb006ddbe32e52d497ee848ae bios/7800 BIOS (U).rom
ce6a86574d0c9de9075705f14e99d090 bios/ProSystem.dat
Atari ST:
b2a8570de2e850c5acf81cb80512d9f6 bios/tos.img
e10c53c2f8b90bab96ead2d368858623 bios/dc_boot.bin
0a93f7940c455905bea6e392dfde92a4 bios/dc_flash.bin
Nintendo Family Computer Disk System:
7bfe8c0540ed4bd6a0f1e2a0f0118ced bios/NstDatabase.xml
ca30b50f880eb660a320674ed365ef7a bios/disksys.rom
Game Gear:
672e104c3be3a238301aceffc3b23fd6 bios/bios.gg
Game Boy:
32fbbd84168d3482956eb3c5051637f5 bios/gb_bios.bin
dbfce9db9deaa2567f6a84fde55f9680 bios/gbc_bios.bin
Game Boy Advance:
a860e8c0b6d573d191e4ec7db1b1e4f6 bios/gba_bios.bin
32fbbd84168d3482956eb3c5051637f5 bios/gb_bios.bin
dbfce9db9deaa2567f6a84fde55f9680 bios/gbc_bios.bin
d574d4f9c12f305074798f54c091a8b4 bios/sgb_bios.bin
Game Boy Color:
32fbbd84168d3482956eb3c5051637f5 bios/gb_bios.bin
dbfce9db9deaa2567f6a84fde55f9680 bios/gbc_bios.bin
Mattel Intellivision:
62e761035cb657903761800f4437b8af bios/exec.bin
0cd5946c6473e42e8e4c2137785e427f bios/grom.bin
2e72a9a2b897d330a35c8b07a6146c52 bios/ECS.bin
d5530f74681ec6e0f282dab42e6b1c5f bios/IVOICE.bin
fcd403db69f54290b51035d82f835e7b bios/lynxboot.img
840481177270d5642a14ca71ee72844c bios/bios_E.sms
840481177270d5642a14ca71ee72844c bios/bios_U.sms
24a519c53f67b00640d0048ef7089105 bios/bios_J.sms
364a1a579fe5cb8dba54519bcfcdac0d bios/MSX.ROM
ec3a01c91f24fbddcbcab0ad301bc9ef bios/MSX2.ROM
2183c2aff17cf4297bdb496de78c2e8a bios/MSX2EXT.ROM
847cc025ffae665487940ff2639540e5 bios/MSX2P.ROM
7c8243c71d8f143b2531f01afa6a05dc bios/MSX2PEXT.ROM
80dcd1ad1a4cf65d64b7ba10504e8190 bios/DISK.ROM
6f69cc8b5ed761b03afd78000dfb0e19 bios/FMPAC.ROM
6418d091cd6907bbcf940324339e43bb bios/MSXDOS2.ROM
403cdea1cbd2bb24fae506941f8f655e bios/PAINTER.ROM
febe8782b466d7c3b16de6d104826b34 bios/KANJI.ROM
Nintendo 64:
8d3d9f294b6e174bc7b1d2fd1c727530 bios/64DD_IPL.bin
3bffafac42a7767d8dcecf771f5552ba bios/naomi_boot.bin
e63d892cdb8b532351dc7020bb60b6f4 bios/naomi.zip
naomi.zip : EB4099AEB42EF089CFE94F8FE95E51F6
Nintendo DS:
145eaef5bd3037cbc247c213bb3da1b3 bios/firmware.bin
df692a80a5b1bc90728bc3dfc76cd948 bios/bios7.bin
a392174eb3e572fed6447e956bde4b25 bios/bios9.bin
NeoGeo CD:
Odyssey 2:
562d5ebf9e030a40d6fabfc2f33139fd bios/o2rom.bin
f1071cdb0b6b10dde94d3bc8a6146387 bios/c52.bin
c500ff71236068e0dc0d0603d265ae76 bios/g7400.bin
279008e4a0db2dc5f1c048853b033828 bios/jopac.bin
PC Engine:
ff1a674273fe3540ccef576376407d1d bios/syscard3.pce
08e36edbea28a017f79f8d4f7ff9b6d7 bios/pcfx.rom
Doom (PrBoom):
28922c703cc7d2cf856f177f2985b3a9 bios/SCPH30004R.bin
3faf7c064a4984f53e2ef5e80ed543bc bios/SCPH30004R.MEC
d5ce2c7d119f563ce04bc04dbc3a323e bios/scph39001.bin
3faf7c064a4984f53e2ef5e80ed543bc bios/scph39001.MEC
9a9e8ed7668e6adfc8f7766c08ab9cd0 bios/EROM.BIN
44552702b05697a14ccbe2ca22ee7139 bios/rom1.bin
b406d05922dac2eaf3c2e68157b1b468 bios/ROM2.BIN
8dd7d5296a650fac7319bce665a6a53c bios/scph5500.bin
490f666e1afb15b7362b406ed1cea246 bios/scph5501.bin
32736f17079d0b2b7024407c39bd3050 bios/scph5502.bin
fed4d8242cfbed61343d53d48432aced bios/BS-X.bin
Sega Saturn:
af5828fdff51384f99b3c4926be27762 bios/saturn_bios.bin
85ec9ca47d8f6807718151cbcca8b964 bios/sega_101.bin
3240872c70984b6cbfda1586cab68dbe bios/mpr-17933.bin
255113ba943c92a54facd25a10fd780c bios/mpr-18811-mx.ic1
1cd19988d1d72a3e7caa0b73234c96b4 bios/mpr-19367-mx.ic1
53a094ad3a188f86de4e64624fe9b3ca bios/stvbios.zip
Sega 32x:
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854b9150240a198070150e4566ae1290 bios/bios_CD_U.bin
278a9397d192149e84e820ac621a8edd bios/bios_CD_J.bin
Sega CD:
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854b9150240a198070150e4566ae1290 bios/bios_CD_U.bin
278a9397d192149e84e820ac621a8edd bios/bios_CD_J.bin
d3a44ba7d42a74d3ac58cb9c14c6a5ca bios/STBIOS.bin
ff1a674273fe3540ccef576376407d1d bios/syscard3.pce
Sharp x68000:
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397bb566584be7b9764e7a68974c4263 - bios7800 BIOS (E).rom
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Neo Geo Cd Full Rom Set Emuparadise
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Best Neo Geo Cd Emulator
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